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All Things Go Better With Daily Exercise and Healthy Eating! 

It was only during times of FAMINE that our ancestors STOPPED being PHYSICALLY VERY ACTIVE, hunting prey and gathering food. To survive famines, our bodies are biologically conditioned "to store every scrap of excess food as fat, shut down the immune system, melt off the muscles and let the joints decay."  Thus, millions of years of evolution dictate that our bodies interpret INACTIVITY (lack of exercise) - regardless of how much food we actually eat or overeat (!) - as a time of FAMINE, prompting our bodies "to store every scrap of excess food as fat, shut down the immune system, melt off the muscles, and let the joints decay" when we STOP MOVING.

("Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy - Until You're 80 and Beyond " by Chris Crowley & Henry S. Lodge, M.D.)

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